
Un semplice plugin che ti permette di impostare un suono per il join

Con questo plugin puoi avviare un suono quando un player entra nel tuo server.


Per impostare i permessi avrai bisogno di un plugin di come LuckPerms. Puoi modificare il suono da config.yml. Con l'opzione "first join sound" puoi avere un suono personalizzato per il player che entra per la prima volta e il ritardo del suono.

Comandi e permessi



/joinsound help


/joinsound reload


/joinsound normalJoin


/joinsound firstJoin


Permessi aggiuntivi:


Ti abilita il permesso aggiuntivo per il suono personalizzato.

File di configurazione:

#                             JoinSound                                #

#A list of supported sounds can be found here:

#First Join
firstJoinSound: entity.ender_dragon.growl
firstJoinVolume: 3
firtsJoinPitch: 1.0

#Normal Join
sound: entity.player.levelup
volume: 3
pitch: 1.0

# Personalized join sound ( E.s sound when owner joins )
  enabled: false
  play-to-all-players: true
  sound: ui.toast.challenge_complete
  volume: 3
  pitch: 1.0
  permission: joinsound.personalized # Works with permission plugins

# Do you want a sound to be played to all online players when a player join?
  enabled: true
  sound: block.note_block.harp
  volume: 3
  pitch: 1.0

# Do you want a sound to be played to all online players when a player leave?
  enabled: true
  sound: block.note_block.bass
  volume: 3
  pitch: 1.0

#Delay Time
#If necessary, write a delay value if the sound is not listened to completely ( accept numbers with dot ) ( is in milliseconds )
# E.g. delay: 100
delay: 0


#Reload message
reload-message: "&6[&9JoinSound&6]&a&l Reload completed!"

#Message in the console when the plugin is turned on
plugin-start: "&2JoinSound has been activated!"

#Message in the console when the plugin is turned off
plugin-stop: "&4JoinSound has been disabled!"

#Help message ( /joinsound help )
  - "&6&nList of commands:"
  - "&a&l/joinsound help &r&b-->&r &9&oView this menu&r"
  - "&a&l/joinsound reload &r&b-->&r &9&oReload config.yml&r"
  - "&a&l/joinsound normalJoin &r&b-->&r &9&oView and play the current sound&r"
  - "&a&l/joinsound firstJoin &r&b-->&r &9&oView and play the current sound for a player who joins for the first time\n&r"

# /joinsound normalJoin
normaljoin-message: "&3&lSound name: &r&c&o"

# /joinsound firstJoin
firstjoin-message: "&3&lSound name: &r&c&o"

# Wrong usage message ( /joinsound )
wrongusage-message: "&9&oIncorrect use of the command:\nFor a list of commands type &r&b--> &r&a&l/joinsound help"

Last updated